Embracing the Waves of Change

Embracing the Waves of Change

Guess who’s back (haha)! Oh my goodness how time has flown! Though it has been many moons since I’ve been able to connect with you all in this avenue, I’m so grateful to have explored my creativity in the online Instagram platform!

I’ve experienced quite a few changes and adjustments in my reality this year and wow – it has been an incredible ride! 

Earlier this year I felt guided by my inner guidance to move from the mountains to the desert this past Spring of 2023. I trusted it and I’m so grateful that I took that particular leap of faith! 

It was a great change for sure and one that I had welcomed with an open heart as well as an open mind. Since then I’ve been re-creating & re-establishing foundations in this new chapter of my whole new world!

Riding the Wave

You know…I find it incredible how when you say “yes” to a potential or a certain change, the universe co-creates beautifully with you in manifesting that which is for your highest good!

During the autumn of 2022, I had a strong intuitive feeling that I would be moving. Sell my house and move somewhere else (possibly in the same town). 

I was definitely open to it and trusted that I would get the “all systems go” signal from the Universe when the time would be right to do so.

Until then, I enjoyed a beautiful Winter wonderland in the Wasatch Back for sure – filled with so many wondrous opportunities! I worked at Deer Valley Resort during their winter season and am so grateful to have met, connected & created lovely relationships with so many incredible souls! 

One day in January, I arrived at work one morning (I had a habit of arriving about 30 mins early to bypass any traffic) and took a moment to ground when an inspired thought came to me. 

I thought, “okay Universe, I will move anywhere I’m needed and is for my highest of good . My only request is that the area resonates with and supports my own interests as well”. 

And just like that I gave permission to physically relocate my home residence to where Spirit guided me. Soon after I started seeing so many signs. First a photograph of the red arches found in Southern Utah on the back of a camper van, I kept hearing people mention different areas in Southern Utah or Arizona and so forth.

In meditation I sensed that the area I would be moving to would have the same powerful sacred energy as found in Sedona, Arizona, – yet I felt it would still be in Utah. Then a friend of mine mentioned the city of Kanab. 

I had passed through Kanab a few times during road trips, however I hadn’t spent more time there. So I asked my heart if this was the direction that I was guided to take and I received a solid “yes”.  

Thus, in mid January, I put the house up for sale. After a weekend exploration of Kanab (can you say road trip?), a job interview, an incredible housing opportunity all in the month of February, I was on my way Southbound. 


Everything worked out in the highest good of all and I’m honestly so grateful – especially for all the love and support from friends and loved ones along the way! 

In addition, I’m grateful that I was receptive to the messages Spirit communicated to me along the way.

It was almost a highlighted pathway where each new stepping stone appeared right as you were on the previous step and ready to take your next step on your path. 

Although it seemed daunting at first since at the time I couldn’t see the “how” and the “when” ahead of time (especially as it was a literal leap-of-faith in this move), I chose to let go of any doubts and trust in the process. 

And guess what.. all those “hows” and “whens” revealed themselves to me when the time came! So incredible!

Now I’m so grateful to be living in this beautiful area! I’m help take care of the rescue animals at Best Friends Society, facilitating long distant energy healing in the community via my side business, Warrior Goddess Healing, LLC, exploring the area and so much more! 

Quite the change indeed!

A “change” in Perspective:

You know, speaking of the word “change”, the perception of change often depends on a person’s point of view. 

For example, if it’s something you’re not expecting, then it appears as unwelcome. And when it is something you’re consciously preparing for, then it appears as a good thing.

Personally, I’ve been practicing cognitive re-framing and EFT Tapping when I sense or experience any resistant or fear-based layers related to “change”. From my own experience, I’ve realized that it can actually be a beautiful thing.

Take the Shakespearean quote for example: “there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”.  

I feel that at a higher level, change is part of the process. In fact, it was Greek Philosopher Heraclitus who said, “the only constant in life is change”. 

At a physiological level, we are changing every moment of every day. The cells that make up our physical body continue to create brand new cells (in a process called mitosis) that enables each component of our physical body to continue working at its very best. 

Plus practicing thanking your cells for continuing to create healthy cells in your body is the cherry on top! More on that later.

Each day that we awaken from slumber is a brand new beginning which can also inspire a change in routine or even a change in perception (plus a whole different co-creation with the law of attraction).

For example, after reading “The Honeymoon Effect” by Bruce Lipton (where you learn about creating the experience of Heaven-on-Earth in your everyday life), I do my best to wake up each morning with a fresh outlook, gratitude or with the excitement as a child would on a holiday such as Christmas day.

Why, you might ask? I feel that each day is a new opportunity to consciously create what we want to experience with the Law of Attraction

For example, if I wake up with gratitude, excitement or sense of wonder as a child would, I’m broadcasting that energy into the heliosphere. With the Law of Attraction, that energy comes right back to me where I attract experiences that inspire the same feeling.

I wonder.. what if we could adjust the perception of the “change phenomenon” from good or bad into that of simply observing what is unfolding. To also trust that even if it’s an unexpected thing, there is a silver lining and that the Universe has your back. 

What if this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship? Where “change” can have a new meaning of “opportunity”?

You know, as I write this, I’m beginning to feel guided to begin a new adventure in incorporating podcasts here as well in the near future. As to more specifics of when that will be, I’ll trust my intuition about moving forward with that notion.

Embracing the Wave:

I feel that Spirit reaches out to us in many ways – for me it’s often through nature. As there are many signs in the Universe, I recently had a fun experience while out walking my dog, Stella. 

After noticing the lovely aroma from the flowers in the distant trees (the trees & flowers were saying hello!), I felt guided to stop and smell the flowers near a neighbor’s house.

At that moment a sweet monarch butterfly joined us! 🦋

I recall that I was receptive to the butterfly, pleasantly surprised, and responded with joy. The butterfly itself was brilliantly colored in orange which to me represents the second/sacral chakra (or energy center) – which is orange in color. 

The energy associated with the sacral chakra is all about the phrase, “I create“. 

Also the butterfly itself often represents change as well as transformation. In a process called metamorphosis, it starts out as the caterpillar that goes into the cocoon/chrysalis and then it emerges from the chrysalis as the butterfly – changing from one state of being to another. 

I feel like the universe’s message to me at the time was that I had experienced significant shifts recently in several areas of my life and that I was re-emerging with a clear and new perspective. 

On a larger scale, what if we could utilize the wisdom of the butterfly and flow with as well as embrace the unfolding changes in our lives? 

I understand that each situation and person’s experiences in life are unique and may be quite challenging. What if at soul level you are gaining incredible wisdom from those experiences and are completing important cycles in your life? 

What if you are a warrior? And you, my friend, certainly are! 

We are powerful and peaceful warriors. This is incredibly important in a world that’s continuously evolving towards a future that we are creating as we go.

You are amazing, dear friend and I honor you!

As powerful beings who create, I propose an affirmation prompt that you’re welcome to reflect on, speak aloud, affirm to yourself, write down and fill in the blanks in a journal, etc.

Affirmation: “I choose____”.

What do you choose? What do you choose to create?

Please feel free to share in the comment section below!  

Until next time, ta-ta!

Stay tuned for more from The Empowered Hearth…

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